For families

Family therapy & family counseling

"I believe that the greatest gift I can receive from someone is to be seen, heard, understood and touched.

The greatest gift I can give is to see, hear, understand and touch the other person. When this happens, contact occurs."

Virginia Satir

Maybe your family life is burdened by a current crisis. Perhaps changes are taking place in your family life, but these are still difficult to manage at the moment and regularly lead to conflicts.

Perhaps you as a parent are in conflict with one of your children and are currently unable to find your way out of the more stressful situation. Maybe arguments happen often and you feel helpless.

Maybe a family member is seriously ill and you are always out of balance or overwhelmed. Maybe your family has suffered a stroke of fate and you want companionship.

Maybe you would like to strengthen your relationship (again) and are looking for more togetherness. Perhaps there are perceived strongly opposing wishes and interests within the family and you would like to find a way to deal with them.

Maybe you have something on your mind and would like to talk to the family. You need support and want a safe environment for your family members.

Whatever challenges and stresses your family life at the moment, I'm happy to be there for you!

Family therapy & family counseling

Family therapy & counseling is a support service for families who want help in dealing with an acute crisis, are in a long-standing conflict with each other or have the impression that they need support in family life in some way.

The aim of family therapy is to change the relationships between family members for the better. The better the quality of communication between the individual family members, the better the family gets along. Other important factors for the well-being of a family is the development of understanding and empathy for one another.

Family therapy & family counseling is available on site in Törwang and, with restrictions, online.

Systemic family therapy

Systemic family therapy is a procedure in which the family as a self-contained system is at the center of the psychological intervention.

The aim is not to view and analyze a problem or symptom in isolation from the family, but rather always in the context of family relationships. The family system is therefore not only part of the problem, but above all part of the solution.

Family sessions usually last between 45 and 90 minutes, depending on the age of the children, and require the presence of all family members relevant to the problem.

Since the therapeutic process takes place primarily in your everyday life, you will be given tasks and instructions to take home.

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